TdlR Printers' Proof

It is known by most collectors of Israel banknotes that the 1st issue of banknotes when the State of Israel was formed in 1948 was designed and printed by the American Bank Note Co. (ABNC). Lesser known is that there were several proposals from potential suppliers to provide these 1st banknotes.

A proposal was made by the Thomas de la Rue Co. banknote printers in England. and the printers of the Palestine Mandate  Notes. This proposal was found in the archives of the Bank Leumimuseum in Tel-Aviv.

The below  note was part of  the Thomas de la Rue (TdlR) offer.

TdlR 5 Pound proof

tdlR 5 Pound proof - rear

New Thoughts on Israel's First Banknotes
Edward Schuman
The Shekal - AINA